Monday, December 3, 2012

THAT Moment

Yes, I am having one of those moments where I am looking into my overflowing closet and seeing NOTHING to wear!

My husband will be graduating from Officer Candidate School in just a few days (FINALLY!!!!) and I need something to wear!

I have to have one outfit for Family Day and one outfit for Graduation Day.

Both events will be outside, in Virginia= COLD

The first day, Family Day, is casual and jeans is what I have in mind. However, the rest of that outfit, I am completely clueless.
Graduation Day is somewhat formal but nothing over the top fancy-schmancy.

The problem is:
1. I haven't seen my husband since September so of course I need something super cute.
2. I will be meeting several of his Officers so I need to look respectable.
3. It is outside and cold and I don't want to freeze.

I am completely open to shopping (when am I not?) but I know I have tons of stuff in my closet I could wear.
I just need a magic fairy to come whip out her wand and POOF, the perfect outfits will appear :)

So, any fitting outfit recommendations?
What do you do when you are in such a dilemma?

I need help Blogger friends!!